
Funding for the Bay Harbor Improvement Association (BHIA) currently comes mostly from minimal annual dues of $200, due Jan. 1st each year.  If you rent your home, the dues is $300/yr.

Any owners in the four member subdivisions of Bay Harbor, Bahia Azul, Bahia Azul-Orner, and Bee Gee Bay are eligible to join BHIA, and Reserve owners may request membership.

All eligible owners are encouraged to join, in order to keep dues small, and continue to create and maintain amenities that enhance property values and enjoyment of all owners. If you have any neighbors who are not currently members of BHIA, please invite them to join and participate in BHIA sponsored activities.

Please make checks are payable to BHIA and mailed to BHIA, Route 4 Box 190B26, Galveston, TX 77554, or you can stop by in person at the home of Secretary-Treasurer Gail Choate, 4016 4th St., 409-737-1707, 

Dues are required to allow us to offer and maintain amenities and benefits that serve the whole neighborhood in the form of improving life in the neighborhood and enhancing property values, with the specific use of some of the amenities reserved for only the use of dues paying members. Below are just some of the expenses of BHIA that would benefit from the support of all homeowners:

·        Signage for the entries and marina area

·        Lighting for the entries and marina area

·        Water and electricity for the marina area

·        Maintaining and improving the pier, boat launch, fish cleaning table, lighting,  pavilion, parking areas, etc.  The board is in the progress of getting bids to repair the long bulkhead by the boat basin pier.

·        Keys for the boat launch and pier

·        Hosting of the website

·        Liability insurance in order to operate the general property areas

·        Maintenance of a Marina Disaster Fund to pay for major repairs after storms or hurricanes

In addition to the minimal dues, BHIA raises small amounts of funds annually through the silent auction, fishing tournament, merchandise sales, meal sales, and donations at each annual meeting and other BHIA events.

Thank you for support of your neighborhood!